
Bruce Lee films

1940 "Golden Gate Girls"
1948 "floating clouds of wealth"
1949 "dream antiquata"
1950 "Little Cheung"
1950 "The Lone Wild Goose Peak"
1951 "at the beginning of people"
1953 "Oliver Mingdeng"
1953 "Mother's Tears"
1953, "the father of"
1953, "tens of millions of people"
1953 "dangerous buildings in Early Spring"
1955 "LOVE" (whole set)
1955 "Lone Star of blood and tears"
1955 "going out"
1955 "orphan line plays the role of ill female"
1955 "sons and daughters of Debt"
1955, "Xu epilepsy Hannaford"
1956 "Towards the first place I do not marry"
1957 "Thunderstorm"
1957 "sweet child"
1959 "Solitary birds human sea"
1966 "Green Hornet The green hornet" (TV series)
1967 "Batman Batman" (TV series) - Guest
1967 "The Invincible Iron inspector Ironside" (TV series) - Guest
1968 "undermining troop The wrecking crew" - Martial Arts guide
1968 "Bounty scandal Marlowe"
1968 "lovely woman Blondie" (TV series) - Guest
1968 "Driving to the bride Here come the brides" (TV series) - Guest
1969 "Walk in the spring A walk in the spring rain" - Martial Arts guide
1971 "Blind Season Longstreet" (TV series)
1971 movie "Shanghai Affairs"
1972 Movie "Fist"
1972 movie, "Way Of The Dragon"
1973 movie "Enter the Dragon"
1973 movie "Death Game" unfinished, and only fragments of Bruce Lee clips, other are Tanglong (Kim Tae-in) stand-performance
2000 "Warrior's Journey" included the real Bruce Lee Roy
TV series starring Bruce Lee:
Green Hornet: "Green Hornet" as early as the last century are a 30's radio plays, plays the heroine Name:Boulihute , during the day are the publishing industry millionaire, night is masked criminals fought the "Green Hornet." And "Green Hornet" assistant Kato appeared together, but also a martial arts masters. The last century 40's, Universal Pictures to film a series of "Green Hornet" as the protagonist of the movie. About this series of superhero comics are flourishing 1:00. But most impressive, or broadcast on ABC television series "Green Hornet", the play is Bruce Lee's fame in the United States for.

