
Sichuan Opera 川剧

Sichuan Opera has a long history and is one of the most widely recognized opera schools in China,. Its origins can be traced to the end of the Ming Dynasty
and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. At that time there were several different forms of popular theatre in the Sichuan area which gradually developed and
blended with the local culture to finally merge into what we know now as Sichuan Opera. Sichuan Opera has several characteristics: solo singing, skillful
acting, rich percussion and incredibly funny comedies. Characters are known to use stunts for dramatic effect that include extremely quick mask changes,
jumping through burning hoops, and hiding of swords. The magical mask changes are particularly famous in China and abroad. Magical Mask Changes Mask
changing is the essence of Sichuan Opera. It involves the on-stage change of facial features and expressions via masks, without the audience noticing. With
a magical sweep of a hand the actors can change their masks successively in an incredibly short time. Face changes first appeared 300 years ago.
Originally, opera masters changed their face during a performance by blowing into a bowl of red, black or gold powder, which immediately stuck to their oiled
skin. By the 1920s, actors began to use layers of masks made from oiled papers. During the performance, actors would quickly peel off one after another to
achieve the effect of changing one’s face. Today the masters use painted silk masks that can be worn in layers. No matter how closely you try to watch, it is
impossible to see the mask being changed!

