127是一个保留地址,该地址是指电脑本身,主要作用是预留下作为测试使用,用于网络软件测试以及本地机进程间通信。在Windows系统下,该地址还有一个别名叫 “localhost”,无论是哪个程序,一旦使用该地址发送数据,协议软件会立即返回,不进行任何网络传输,除非出错,包含该网络号的分组是不能够出现在任何网络上的。
“IP”作为net用户的重要标示,是黑客首先需要了解的。获取的方法较多,黑客也会因不同的网络情况采取不同的方法,如:在局域网内使用ping指令,ping对方在网络中的名称而获得IP;在Internet上使用IP版的QQ直接显示。而最“牛”,也是最有效的办法是截获并分析对方的网络数据包。用Windows 2003的网络监视器捕获的网络数据包,可能一般的用户比较难看懂这些16进制的代码,而对于了解网络知识的黑客,他们可以找到并直接通过软件解析截获后的数据包的IP包头信息,再根据这些信息了解具体的IP。
虽然侦察IP的方法多样,但用户可以隐藏IP的方法同样多样。就拿对付最有效的“数据包分析方法”而言,就可以安装能够自动去掉发送数据包包头IP信息的“norton Internet security 2003”。不过使用“norton Internet security”有些缺点,譬如:它耗费资源严重,降低计算机性能;在访问一些论坛或者网站时会受影响;不适合网吧用户使用等等。现在的个人用户采用最普及隐藏IP的方法应该是使用代理,由于使用代理服务器后,“转址服务”会对发送出去的数据包有所修改,致使“数据包分析”的方法失效。一些容易泄漏用户IP的网络软件(qq、msn、ie等)都支持使用代理方式连接Internet,特别是qq使用“ezproxy”等代理软件连接后,IP版的qq都无法显示该IP地址。这里笔者介绍一款比较适合个人用户的简易代理软件——网络新手IP隐藏器,只要在“代理服务器”和“代理服务器端”填入正确的代理服务器地址和端口,即可对http使用代理,比较适合由于ie和qq泄漏IP的情况。
2岁女童演短片模仿小沈阳 网上迅速蹿红(图)

曹扬说,过一段时间,等小草能说更多的词时,他还会拍一部短片,而且会坚持拍下去。 京华时报
张柏芝写“艳照门”日记 等儿子18岁交给他【图】

1.首先要选择一个有竞争优势的域名,那么如何挑选有竞争优势的域名呢?如果是针对国内市场,尽量用关键字的拼音来做域名,例如:力勃参茸胶囊官方网站,这个产品属于壮阳产品,那么要进行优化排名的关键字无疑就是“壮阳”这两个字,所以他们选择的域名是 www.zhuangyang8.com ,为什么要这么选择呢,最大的中文搜索引擎非baidu莫属,那么咱们就来看下百度的喜好。百度针对关键字而言,更喜欢以拼音和关键字挂钩的网站,就像力勃参茸胶囊官方网一样,他们所面对的受众人群就是需要壮阳的男同志们,这个时候选择 www.zhuangyang8.com 那么收录后,每天进行维护更新工作,用不了多长时间,搜索壮阳基本上都前几页。
2.标题关键字的选择,搜索引擎在搜索网站的关键词时,会对其标题标签(meta title)中出现的关键词给予较高的权值。所以你应当确保在你网站的标题标签中包含了最重要的关键词,即应围绕你最重要的关键词来决定网页标题的内容。不过网页的标题不可过长,一般最好在35到40个字符之间,也不要过度的堆砌关键字,一般在3-4个最佳,力勃参茸胶囊官方网做的就很好,,大家可以看下这个网站的标题是怎么写的做下参考,并且大家要记住标题最后要加上网站或者产品的名字,因为你是官方网站,标题里包含产品名字,搜索这个关键字时你的站一般都会排在第一页。因为当你的产品在网络上有了一定知名度或者成为热门关键词时,这个对你就会有很大帮助了,如果不信的话你在百度或者谷歌搜索“力勃参茸胶囊官方网站”绝对是NO.1。
本文来自中国站长致富网 www.chinazzzf.com
1.首先要选择一个有竞争优势的域名,那么如何挑选有竞争优势的域名呢?如果是针对国内市场,尽量用关键字的拼音来做域名,例如:力勃参茸胶囊官方网站,这个产品属于壮阳产品,那么要进行优化排名的关键字无疑就是“壮阳”这两个字,所以他们选择的域名是 www.zhuangyang8.com ,为什么要这么选择呢,最大的中文搜索引擎非baidu莫属,那么咱们就来看下百度的喜好。百度针对关键字而言,更喜欢以拼音和关键字挂钩的网站,就像力勃参茸胶囊官方网一样,他们所面对的受众人群就是需要壮阳的男同志们,这个时候选择 www.zhuangyang8.com 那么收录后,每天进行维护更新工作,用不了多长时间,搜索壮阳基本上都前几页。
2.标题关键字的选择,搜索引擎在搜索网站的关键词时,会对其标题标签(meta title)中出现的关键词给予较高的权值。所以你应当确保在你网站的标题标签中包含了最重要的关键词,即应围绕你最重要的关键词来决定网页标题的内容。不过网页的标题不可过长,一般最好在35到40个字符之间,也不要过度的堆砌关键字,一般在3-4个最佳,力勃参茸胶囊官方网做的就很好,,大家可以看下这个网站的标题是怎么写的做下参考,并且大家要记住标题最后要加上网站或者产品的名字,因为你是官方网站,标题里包含产品名字,搜索这个关键字时你的站一般都会排在第一页。因为当你的产品在网络上有了一定知名度或者成为热门关键词时,这个对你就会有很大帮助了,如果不信的话你在百度或者谷歌搜索“力勃参茸胶囊官方网站”绝对是NO.1。
本文来自中国站长致富网 www.chinazzzf.com
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这在我以前玩过的一款 撕裂罪恶时用过 但忘了
昨天试了下 结果不行
于是我在晚上就把他下面的几个框框全选了 结果成功运行
禁用集成桌面disable desktop composition(倒数第二个)
在csol的兼容模式里把他选中后 csol运行时win7会自动转换为basic主题
这在我以前玩过的一款 撕裂罪恶时用过 但忘了
昨天试了下 结果不行
于是我在晚上就把他下面的几个框框全选了 结果成功运行
禁用集成桌面disable desktop composition(倒数第二个)
在csol的兼容模式里把他选中后 csol运行时win7会自动转换为basic主题
三年不重装:令电脑百毒不侵的13个妙招前几天我朋友的电脑中了毒,病毒感染了很多EXE文件,修复难度很大,无奈只好格式化掉,损失惨重。我的电脑很少中毒,至少在我知道的情况下我的电脑没用中过毒。消灭病毒的难度是很大的,但做好预防工作却是非常容易的。下面是我的一些做法,个人认为做好下面的措施,电脑中毒机会的就会是微乎其微,这些措施只针对 win-dows操作系统。
老实的玩 不进不健康的网站 不乱下东西
老实的玩 不进不健康的网站 不乱下东西
Adobe Photoshop CS4 V11.0 官方简体中文精简版

Photoshop CS4 提供 Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended 软件的所有功能以及更多功能 - 突破性的 3D 绘图和编辑功能、更丰富的动态图形编辑以及增强的图像分析
1.8GHz 或更快的处理器
512MB 内存 (推荐 1GB)
1GB 可用硬盘空间用于安装; 安装过程中需要额外的可用空间 (无法安装在基于闪存的设备上)
1,024x768 屏幕 (推荐 1,280x800), 16 位显卡
某些 GPU 加速功能需要 Shader Model 3.0 和 OpenGL 2.0 图形支持
Shader Model 3.0
需要 QuickTime 7.2 软件以实现多媒体功能
在线服务需要宽带 Internet 连接**
Mac OS
PowerPC® G5 或多核 Intel® 处理器
Mac OS X 10.4.11 - 10.5.4 版
512MB 内存 (推荐 1GB)
2GB 可用硬盘空间用于安装; 安装过程中需要额外的可用空间 (无法安装在使用区分大小写的文件系统的卷或基于闪存的设备上)
1,024x768 屏幕 (推荐 1,280x800), 16 位显卡
某些 GPU 加速功能需要 Shader Model 3.0 和 OpenGL 2.0 图形支持
需要 QuickTime 7.2 软件以实现多媒体功能
在线服务需要宽带 Internet 连接**
1.Internet Explorer 6.0/7.0/8.0
3.Mozilla Firefox(火狐)
4.TheWorld Browser(世界之窗)
9.eYou Browser (易游)
3.Mozilla Firefox(火狐)
4.TheWorld Browser(世界之窗)
9.eYou Browser (易游)
1.仙人掌或仙人球是庭院绿化美化的上好花卉品种,尽管它们满身带刺,但外形却很美观,可用以加工入药和食用,又具有吸收电磁波辐射、减少电脑危害人体健康的“特异功能”。仙人掌类带刺的身 肉质厚,含水分多,易于吸收和化解周围环境的电磁场辐射毒素,减少室内外的污染,有益人体健康。有园艺专家建议,凡有电磁场辐射的电视、电脑和微波炉等放置地方,同时摆上几盆仙人掌为宜。国外许多大型的电脑放置场所,无不摆满了大大小小的仙人掌,这是先进的科学措施,不妨借鉴。
一是要增强自我保健意识 工作间隙注意适当休息,一般来说,电脑操作人员在连续工作1小时后应该休息10分钟左右。并且最好到操作室之外活动活动手脚与躯干。平时要加强体育锻炼,增强体能,要定期进行身体检查和自我心理测定。
二是注意工作环境 电脑室内光线要适宜,不可过亮或过暗,避免光线直接照射在荧光屏上而产生干扰光线,工作室要保持通风干爽,能使那些有害气体尽快排出,尽量用非击打式打印机减少噪音。
三是注意正确的操作姿势 应将电脑屏幕中心位置安装在与操作者胸部同一水平线上,最好使用可以调节高低的椅子。坐着时应有足够的空间伸放双脚,不要交叉双脚,以免影响血液循环。
四是注意保护视力 要避免长时间连续操作电脑,注意中间休息。要保持一个最适当的姿势,眼睛与屏幕的距离应在40-50厘米,使双眼平视或轻度向下注视荧光屏,这样可使颈部肌肉轻松,并使眼球暴露面积减小到最低。如果出现眼睛干涩、发红,有灼热或有异物感,眼皮沉重,看东西模糊,甚至出现眼球胀痛或头痛,那就需要到医院看眼科医生了。
五是注意补充营养 电脑操作者在荧光屏前工作时间过长,视网膜上的视紫红质会被消耗掉,而视紫红质主要由维生素A合成。因此,电脑操作者应多吃些胡萝卜、白菜、豆芽、豆腐、红枣、橘子以及牛奶、鸡蛋、动物肝脏、瘦肉等食物,以补充人体内维生素A和蛋白质。而多饮些茶,茶叶中的茶多酚等活性物质会有利于吸收与抵抗放射性物质。
六是注意保持皮肤清洁 电脑荧光屏表面存在着大量静电,其集聚的灰尘可转射到脸部和手的皮肤裸露处,时间久了,易发生斑疹、色素沉着,严重者甚至会引起皮肤病变等。
一是要增强自我保健意识 工作间隙注意适当休息,一般来说,电脑操作人员在连续工作1小时后应该休息10分钟左右。并且最好到操作室之外活动活动手脚与躯干。平时要加强体育锻炼,增强体能,要定期进行身体检查和自我心理测定。
二是注意工作环境 电脑室内光线要适宜,不可过亮或过暗,避免光线直接照射在荧光屏上而产生干扰光线,工作室要保持通风干爽,能使那些有害气体尽快排出,尽量用非击打式打印机减少噪音。
三是注意正确的操作姿势 应将电脑屏幕中心位置安装在与操作者胸部同一水平线上,最好使用可以调节高低的椅子。坐着时应有足够的空间伸放双脚,不要交叉双脚,以免影响血液循环。
四是注意保护视力 要避免长时间连续操作电脑,注意中间休息。要保持一个最适当的姿势,眼睛与屏幕的距离应在40-50厘米,使双眼平视或轻度向下注视荧光屏,这样可使颈部肌肉轻松,并使眼球暴露面积减小到最低。如果出现眼睛干涩、发红,有灼热或有异物感,眼皮沉重,看东西模糊,甚至出现眼球胀痛或头痛,那就需要到医院看眼科医生了。
五是注意补充营养 电脑操作者在荧光屏前工作时间过长,视网膜上的视紫红质会被消耗掉,而视紫红质主要由维生素A合成。因此,电脑操作者应多吃些胡萝卜、白菜、豆芽、豆腐、红枣、橘子以及牛奶、鸡蛋、动物肝脏、瘦肉等食物,以补充人体内维生素A和蛋白质。而多饮些茶,茶叶中的茶多酚等活性物质会有利于吸收与抵抗放射性物质。
六是注意保持皮肤清洁 电脑荧光屏表面存在着大量静电,其集聚的灰尘可转射到脸部和手的皮肤裸露处,时间久了,易发生斑疹、色素沉着,严重者甚至会引起皮肤病变等。
转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/
转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/
转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/
转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/
Traditional Han custume(汉服)
All over China, there are officially 56 races have been identified. According statistical data which is published by the government, a race which is called Han consists 93% of the population of China. The old-line Han race is originated from the HuaXia Group approximate at 4,000 years ago and was named as Han since the Han Dynasty(202B.C-220A.D) till today.During the history,the Han people created one of the greatest culture in the World,which has influenced the entire culture evolution of East Asia. Elements of Han culture seriously influenced the evolution of Japanese and Korean culture.
The traditional dress of Han people which was called Han costume are formed approximate 5,000 year ago. Han Costume is easily identified with the unique characteristics.
First, the collarband consists of two pieces of cloth which are y-shaped set in the front view of Han costume. The left piece must cover on the right one.
Second, instead of buttons, sorts of belts are utilised to tie up the entire costumes.
Third, wide sleeves.
Han Costume is the most representative costume of Chinese traditional costume in history because the Han people's culture is the most representative culture of Chinese culture in history.
Sadly, the evolution of the Han Costume in China was totally interrupted via Manchurian's conquest of the entire China in 1644A.D. As a minority race, Manchurian established Qing Dynasty(1644A.D-1911A.D) and published an inhumanly order "All the Han people must revise their costume style and hair style into Manchurian style, anynoe who dare to disobey the order must be executed."
Due to the disobedience of the inhumanly order, cruel wars were occured and the Han people was defeated at last.
As a result:
1: Han people were forced to wear Manchurian costume:
2:Male Han people were forced to make their hair style like pigtail;
3:Female Han people were forced to wear cheongsam.
The inhumanly order persisted 267 years then the order ceased at 1911 due to the destruction of Qing Dynasty. The sadly history obviously illustrates the pigtail hair style and the cheongsam cannot represent the Chinese 5,000 years culture.
Today, the oblivion of the Han Costume has ceased. The magnificent glory of our ancestor will never be forgotten when the Han costume is retrieved, when the history is retrieved.
The traditional dress of Han people which was called Han costume are formed approximate 5,000 year ago. Han Costume is easily identified with the unique characteristics.
First, the collarband consists of two pieces of cloth which are y-shaped set in the front view of Han costume. The left piece must cover on the right one.
Second, instead of buttons, sorts of belts are utilised to tie up the entire costumes.
Third, wide sleeves.
Han Costume is the most representative costume of Chinese traditional costume in history because the Han people's culture is the most representative culture of Chinese culture in history.
Sadly, the evolution of the Han Costume in China was totally interrupted via Manchurian's conquest of the entire China in 1644A.D. As a minority race, Manchurian established Qing Dynasty(1644A.D-1911A.D) and published an inhumanly order "All the Han people must revise their costume style and hair style into Manchurian style, anynoe who dare to disobey the order must be executed."
Due to the disobedience of the inhumanly order, cruel wars were occured and the Han people was defeated at last.
As a result:
1: Han people were forced to wear Manchurian costume:
2:Male Han people were forced to make their hair style like pigtail;
3:Female Han people were forced to wear cheongsam.
The inhumanly order persisted 267 years then the order ceased at 1911 due to the destruction of Qing Dynasty. The sadly history obviously illustrates the pigtail hair style and the cheongsam cannot represent the Chinese 5,000 years culture.
Today, the oblivion of the Han Costume has ceased. The magnificent glory of our ancestor will never be forgotten when the Han costume is retrieved, when the history is retrieved.
鸟巢 niǎocháo, Bird’s Nest
China’s National Stadium, also known as the “Bird’s Nest” because of its design, leads the ranking of Beijing’s new landmarks.
The stadium, which will be the main venue for the 2008 Olympic Games, garnered 52,671 votes out of 72,841 ballots cast in the selection organized by the Beijing News.
Beijing West Railway Station, known for its Chinese traditional style, and the egg-shaped National Theater ranked second and third.
The National Swimming Center, or “Water Cube,” and the leaning towers of China Central Television’s headquarters, under construction in Beijing, as well as Financial Street, also ranked high.
The popular new landmarks include venues with old-time appeal, such as Houhai, a bar-dotted area in Beijing’s heartland, where old courtyards and hutongs encircle a lake, and Qianmen, the city’s earliest commercial street, whose traditional flavor didn’t get lost in a recently-finished renovation.
The judging panel consists of renowned Chinese architects and city planners. But the general public has the final say in the selection.
Experts believe that the selection will raise public interest in contemporary architecture and give planners ideas of how the city should look in the future.
The stadium, which will be the main venue for the 2008 Olympic Games, garnered 52,671 votes out of 72,841 ballots cast in the selection organized by the Beijing News.
Beijing West Railway Station, known for its Chinese traditional style, and the egg-shaped National Theater ranked second and third.
The National Swimming Center, or “Water Cube,” and the leaning towers of China Central Television’s headquarters, under construction in Beijing, as well as Financial Street, also ranked high.
The popular new landmarks include venues with old-time appeal, such as Houhai, a bar-dotted area in Beijing’s heartland, where old courtyards and hutongs encircle a lake, and Qianmen, the city’s earliest commercial street, whose traditional flavor didn’t get lost in a recently-finished renovation.
The judging panel consists of renowned Chinese architects and city planners. But the general public has the final say in the selection.
Experts believe that the selection will raise public interest in contemporary architecture and give planners ideas of how the city should look in the future.
Why do Chinese love the comic dialogue? 相声
Naturally, Xiangsheng (comic dialogue) performers traditionally have trained skills including telling, imitation, amusing and singing. Since Xiangsheng is an art of language, and the techniques of handling language and voice are quite important. Therefore, the four basic skills seem essential to Xiangsheng performers.
Telling refers to the handling of jokes, twisters, two-part allegorical sayings and so on. It requires the performers to have an articulate pronunciation and a fluent speech. Imitation means that the performers should be good at imitating human voice and sound of other objects as well as sound effects, including various kinds of gastriloquy, dialects, hucksters’ voice, arias in traditional operas, and facial expressions and folk customs of different characters, old and young, male and female. Amusing means that Xiangsheng of whatever form is supposed to amuse the audience and hopefully make them laugh. Therefore, every sketch, no matter how artistic, must contain at least one gag funny enough to make the audience roll around in laughter. Singing requires the performers to have a good voice and can sing different arias in traditional operas and popular tunes.
Telling, imitation, amusing and singing are the foundation of Xiangsheng performance, and every Xiangsheng performer should master the skills. However, in actual performances, different performers have their strong points, and feature different styles.
Telling refers to the handling of jokes, twisters, two-part allegorical sayings and so on. It requires the performers to have an articulate pronunciation and a fluent speech. Imitation means that the performers should be good at imitating human voice and sound of other objects as well as sound effects, including various kinds of gastriloquy, dialects, hucksters’ voice, arias in traditional operas, and facial expressions and folk customs of different characters, old and young, male and female. Amusing means that Xiangsheng of whatever form is supposed to amuse the audience and hopefully make them laugh. Therefore, every sketch, no matter how artistic, must contain at least one gag funny enough to make the audience roll around in laughter. Singing requires the performers to have a good voice and can sing different arias in traditional operas and popular tunes.
Telling, imitation, amusing and singing are the foundation of Xiangsheng performance, and every Xiangsheng performer should master the skills. However, in actual performances, different performers have their strong points, and feature different styles.
Sichuan Opera 川剧
Sichuan Opera has a long history and is one of the most widely recognized opera schools in China,. Its origins can be traced to the end of the Ming Dynasty
and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. At that time there were several different forms of popular theatre in the Sichuan area which gradually developed and
blended with the local culture to finally merge into what we know now as Sichuan Opera. Sichuan Opera has several characteristics: solo singing, skillful
acting, rich percussion and incredibly funny comedies. Characters are known to use stunts for dramatic effect that include extremely quick mask changes,
jumping through burning hoops, and hiding of swords. The magical mask changes are particularly famous in China and abroad. Magical Mask Changes Mask
changing is the essence of Sichuan Opera. It involves the on-stage change of facial features and expressions via masks, without the audience noticing. With
a magical sweep of a hand the actors can change their masks successively in an incredibly short time. Face changes first appeared 300 years ago.
Originally, opera masters changed their face during a performance by blowing into a bowl of red, black or gold powder, which immediately stuck to their oiled
skin. By the 1920s, actors began to use layers of masks made from oiled papers. During the performance, actors would quickly peel off one after another to
achieve the effect of changing one’s face. Today the masters use painted silk masks that can be worn in layers. No matter how closely you try to watch, it is
impossible to see the mask being changed!
and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. At that time there were several different forms of popular theatre in the Sichuan area which gradually developed and
blended with the local culture to finally merge into what we know now as Sichuan Opera. Sichuan Opera has several characteristics: solo singing, skillful
acting, rich percussion and incredibly funny comedies. Characters are known to use stunts for dramatic effect that include extremely quick mask changes,
jumping through burning hoops, and hiding of swords. The magical mask changes are particularly famous in China and abroad. Magical Mask Changes Mask
changing is the essence of Sichuan Opera. It involves the on-stage change of facial features and expressions via masks, without the audience noticing. With
a magical sweep of a hand the actors can change their masks successively in an incredibly short time. Face changes first appeared 300 years ago.
Originally, opera masters changed their face during a performance by blowing into a bowl of red, black or gold powder, which immediately stuck to their oiled
skin. By the 1920s, actors began to use layers of masks made from oiled papers. During the performance, actors would quickly peel off one after another to
achieve the effect of changing one’s face. Today the masters use painted silk masks that can be worn in layers. No matter how closely you try to watch, it is
impossible to see the mask being changed!
China’s Tea Culture 中国茶文化
China’s Tea Culture 中国茶文化
Chinese people have a saying: ‘柴 米 油 盐 酱 醋 茶 Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.’ Though tea is last on the list, we still can see the importance of tea in daily life.
A simple meal in Chinese is 粗 茶 淡 饭 Cu Cha Dan Fan, namely coarse tea and tasteless dinner. Even a simple meal is finished off with tea so its importance is obvious.
For the Chinese, tea drinking and tea tasting are not the same. Tea drinking is for refreshment and tonic effect.
Tea tasting has cultural meaning. Tea and tea wares should match surrounding elements such as breeze, bright moon, pines, bamboo, plums and snow. All these show the ultimate goal of Chinese culture: the harmonious unity of human beings with nature. People throughout China drink tea daily. Because of the geographic location and climate, different places grow various kinds of tea. In general, there are five kinds of tea classified according to different technique involved in the making of tea: Green tea - Longjin, Wulong, Scented tea - Jasmine tea, Black tea and Compressed tea. In the past dynasties, people not only formed a special way of tea-drinking, but also developed an art form called tea-drinking. This art form comprises of many aspects. The most noticeable ones are the making of tea, the way of brewing, the drinking utensils such as tea pot. The art of making tea is called “Cha dao” or “Cha yi”, which was soon accepted as one of the most important cultures that Japan learned from China. You can have chances to watch performances of tea art (”Cha yi”) at teahouse very often as we show you here at ChineseHour.
China, the Homeland of Tea
China is the homeland of tea. Of the three major beverages of the world– tea, coffee and cocoa– tea is consumed by the largest number of people in the world. China has tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago, and human cultivation of tea plants dates back two thousand years. Tea from China, along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world’s total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China. The word for tea leaves or tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives from the Chinese character “cha.” The Russians call it “cha’i”, which sounds like “chaye” (tea leaves) as it is pronounced in northern China, and the English word “tea” sounds similar to the pronunciation of its counterpart in Xiamen (Amoy). The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese, though pronounced with a slight difference.The habit of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America till the 17th and 18th centuries. Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is legion and is still on the increase.
Advantages of Tea-Drinking
Chinese tea may be classified into five types of teas according to the different methods by which it is processed. They are: Green tea, Black tea, Wulong tea, Compressed tea and Scented tea. Tea has been one of the daily necessities in China since time immemorial. Countless numbers of people like to have their after meal tea.
In summer or warm climate, tea seems to dispel the heat and bring on instant cool together with a feeling of relaxation. For this reason, tea-houses abound in towns and market villages in South China and provide elderly retirees with the locales to meet and chat over a cup of tea.
Medically, the tea leaf contains a number of chemicals, of which 20-30% is tannic acid, known for its anti-inflammatory and germicidal properties. It also contains an alkaloid (5%, mainly caffeine), a stimulant for the nerve centre and the process of metabolism. Tea with the aromatics in it may help resolve meat and fat and thus promote digestion. It is, therefore, of special importance to people who live mainly on meat, like many of the ethnic minorities in China. A popular proverb among them says, “Rather go without salt for three days than without tea for a single day.”
Tea is also rich in various vitamins and, for smokers, it helps to discharge nicotine out of the system. After wining, strong tea may prove to be a sobering pick-me-up. The above, however, does not go to say that the stronger the tea, the more advantages it will yield. Too much tannic acid will affect the secretion of the gastric juice, irritate the membrane of the stomach and cause indigestion or constipation. Strong tea taken just before bedtime will give rise to occasional insomnia. Constant drinking of over-strong tea may induce heart and blood-pressure disorders in some people, reduce the milk of a breast-feeding mother, and put a brown color on the teeth of young people. But it is not difficult to ward off these undesirable effects: just don’t make your tea too strong.
Savoring Tea in Beijing
Chinese tea culture is among the best of Chinese culture. The tea ceremony is a very profound and complex thing, and it seems that only with a pure heart and few worldly desires can a man get its quintessence.However, for the common people, at least those in Beijing, such a state free from vulgarity can never be attained. Therefore, the teahouses in Beijing, different from those in other places, have never been places of peace and quiet. Instead, they are always hustling and bustling. Perhaps this has something with the Beijingers’ disposition: fearful of quiet, and fond of communication, especially that of group chatting. Hence, the teahouses provide perfect venues for them to gather together and talk of everything under the sun with great gusto.
Tea Serving at Home
Chinese have started to drink tea around 5000 years ago, and have preserved the habit to serve tea to guests who come to pay a visit. There is no need to ask if the guests want tea or not. Remember: When the host/hostess serves tea to you, it is polite to receive it with BOTH HANDS. Let guests sit in the living room without serving tea is a big humiliation to the guests, and it also hints the guests are not welcomed. If the host does not want guests to stay any longer, he can give a signal by asking servants or family members to “serving tea”. This means the host wants the guests to leave immediately.
Have you got the word “cha (tea)” and “he cha (drink tea)” today? One more sentence here:
Would you like tea or coffee?
Ni xihuan he cha haishi he kafei?
Chinese people have a saying: ‘柴 米 油 盐 酱 醋 茶 Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.’ Though tea is last on the list, we still can see the importance of tea in daily life.
A simple meal in Chinese is 粗 茶 淡 饭 Cu Cha Dan Fan, namely coarse tea and tasteless dinner. Even a simple meal is finished off with tea so its importance is obvious.
For the Chinese, tea drinking and tea tasting are not the same. Tea drinking is for refreshment and tonic effect.
Tea tasting has cultural meaning. Tea and tea wares should match surrounding elements such as breeze, bright moon, pines, bamboo, plums and snow. All these show the ultimate goal of Chinese culture: the harmonious unity of human beings with nature. People throughout China drink tea daily. Because of the geographic location and climate, different places grow various kinds of tea. In general, there are five kinds of tea classified according to different technique involved in the making of tea: Green tea - Longjin, Wulong, Scented tea - Jasmine tea, Black tea and Compressed tea. In the past dynasties, people not only formed a special way of tea-drinking, but also developed an art form called tea-drinking. This art form comprises of many aspects. The most noticeable ones are the making of tea, the way of brewing, the drinking utensils such as tea pot. The art of making tea is called “Cha dao” or “Cha yi”, which was soon accepted as one of the most important cultures that Japan learned from China. You can have chances to watch performances of tea art (”Cha yi”) at teahouse very often as we show you here at ChineseHour.
China, the Homeland of Tea
China is the homeland of tea. Of the three major beverages of the world– tea, coffee and cocoa– tea is consumed by the largest number of people in the world. China has tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago, and human cultivation of tea plants dates back two thousand years. Tea from China, along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world’s total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China. The word for tea leaves or tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives from the Chinese character “cha.” The Russians call it “cha’i”, which sounds like “chaye” (tea leaves) as it is pronounced in northern China, and the English word “tea” sounds similar to the pronunciation of its counterpart in Xiamen (Amoy). The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese, though pronounced with a slight difference.The habit of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America till the 17th and 18th centuries. Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is legion and is still on the increase.
Advantages of Tea-Drinking
Chinese tea may be classified into five types of teas according to the different methods by which it is processed. They are: Green tea, Black tea, Wulong tea, Compressed tea and Scented tea. Tea has been one of the daily necessities in China since time immemorial. Countless numbers of people like to have their after meal tea.
In summer or warm climate, tea seems to dispel the heat and bring on instant cool together with a feeling of relaxation. For this reason, tea-houses abound in towns and market villages in South China and provide elderly retirees with the locales to meet and chat over a cup of tea.
Medically, the tea leaf contains a number of chemicals, of which 20-30% is tannic acid, known for its anti-inflammatory and germicidal properties. It also contains an alkaloid (5%, mainly caffeine), a stimulant for the nerve centre and the process of metabolism. Tea with the aromatics in it may help resolve meat and fat and thus promote digestion. It is, therefore, of special importance to people who live mainly on meat, like many of the ethnic minorities in China. A popular proverb among them says, “Rather go without salt for three days than without tea for a single day.”
Tea is also rich in various vitamins and, for smokers, it helps to discharge nicotine out of the system. After wining, strong tea may prove to be a sobering pick-me-up. The above, however, does not go to say that the stronger the tea, the more advantages it will yield. Too much tannic acid will affect the secretion of the gastric juice, irritate the membrane of the stomach and cause indigestion or constipation. Strong tea taken just before bedtime will give rise to occasional insomnia. Constant drinking of over-strong tea may induce heart and blood-pressure disorders in some people, reduce the milk of a breast-feeding mother, and put a brown color on the teeth of young people. But it is not difficult to ward off these undesirable effects: just don’t make your tea too strong.
Savoring Tea in Beijing
Chinese tea culture is among the best of Chinese culture. The tea ceremony is a very profound and complex thing, and it seems that only with a pure heart and few worldly desires can a man get its quintessence.However, for the common people, at least those in Beijing, such a state free from vulgarity can never be attained. Therefore, the teahouses in Beijing, different from those in other places, have never been places of peace and quiet. Instead, they are always hustling and bustling. Perhaps this has something with the Beijingers’ disposition: fearful of quiet, and fond of communication, especially that of group chatting. Hence, the teahouses provide perfect venues for them to gather together and talk of everything under the sun with great gusto.
Tea Serving at Home
Chinese have started to drink tea around 5000 years ago, and have preserved the habit to serve tea to guests who come to pay a visit. There is no need to ask if the guests want tea or not. Remember: When the host/hostess serves tea to you, it is polite to receive it with BOTH HANDS. Let guests sit in the living room without serving tea is a big humiliation to the guests, and it also hints the guests are not welcomed. If the host does not want guests to stay any longer, he can give a signal by asking servants or family members to “serving tea”. This means the host wants the guests to leave immediately.
Have you got the word “cha (tea)” and “he cha (drink tea)” today? One more sentence here:
Would you like tea or coffee?
Ni xihuan he cha haishi he kafei?
Babies named ‘Olympic Games’
More than 4,000 children in China have been given the name Aoyun (奥运), meaning Olympic Games, in the past 15 years.
The rise in popularity of the name is seen as a sign of support for the Games being staged in August in Beijing.
Officials in charge of identity cards say that more than 92% of the 4,104 registered Aoyuns are boys.
It is not uncommon for Chinese children to be given names of common events and popular slogans - such as Defend China (wei-guo卫国), Build the Nation (jian-guo 建国) and Space Travel (yu-hang宇航).
There are 290,798 registered Civilisations.
The first surge in Aoyuns came in 1992, when China applied to host to the 2000 Games. About 680 Aoyuns were registered at the time.
In 2002 another 553 Aoyuns were named, after China was chosen to host the 2008 Games.
In recent weeks babies have also been given names such as Hope for Sichuan, to show solidarity with earthquake victims.
The rise in popularity of the name is seen as a sign of support for the Games being staged in August in Beijing.
Officials in charge of identity cards say that more than 92% of the 4,104 registered Aoyuns are boys.
It is not uncommon for Chinese children to be given names of common events and popular slogans - such as Defend China (wei-guo卫国), Build the Nation (jian-guo 建国) and Space Travel (yu-hang宇航).
There are 290,798 registered Civilisations.
The first surge in Aoyuns came in 1992, when China applied to host to the 2000 Games. About 680 Aoyuns were registered at the time.
In 2002 another 553 Aoyuns were named, after China was chosen to host the 2008 Games.
In recent weeks babies have also been given names such as Hope for Sichuan, to show solidarity with earthquake victims.
Bruce Lee's 10 divisions Friends: ten,丹伊诺Santos - Filipino martial arts
Bruce Lee as a master teacher, friend, but also followers of Santos (DAN-INOSANTO), 20 years he really put himself learned from the master of Budokan arts are continuously taught to the others, he To achieve master's unfinished business, to pay a great deal of effort. At the same time, four degrees have appeared in the "Black Belt Hall of Heroes."
Bruce Lee's understanding of him and also of Long Beach in 1964 at karate tournament. At that time he was the organizer of Ai. Parker and his assistant, a senior, he also is based on the identity of the guest performers at the show go. Wu at the United States when he was already very famous altar, especially proficient in nunchakus with truncheons, but He is also a superb boxing Bruce Lee's art and original insights are impressed, and willing to put into each other's self-taught and his disciples at the same time He also put their years of practice experience and experience unreservedly dedicated to Bruce Lee, and thus further improve the system of Bruce Lee's fighting skills. Especially in the weapons training, Eno's stick work Inosanto technology once filled a Jun fan Gung Fu Bruce Lee in this area blank. Later, Bruce Lee films in order to enhance their influence, they invited Eno Santos starred in the "Game of Death" for the kung fu film giant, the film's intense nunchakus and truncheons, fighting has become a kung fu film "Classic Medium classic. "
Bruce Lee's understanding of him and also of Long Beach in 1964 at karate tournament. At that time he was the organizer of Ai. Parker and his assistant, a senior, he also is based on the identity of the guest performers at the show go. Wu at the United States when he was already very famous altar, especially proficient in nunchakus with truncheons, but He is also a superb boxing Bruce Lee's art and original insights are impressed, and willing to put into each other's self-taught and his disciples at the same time He also put their years of practice experience and experience unreservedly dedicated to Bruce Lee, and thus further improve the system of Bruce Lee's fighting skills. Especially in the weapons training, Eno's stick work Inosanto technology once filled a Jun fan Gung Fu Bruce Lee in this area blank. Later, Bruce Lee films in order to enhance their influence, they invited Eno Santos starred in the "Game of Death" for the kung fu film giant, the film's intense nunchakus and truncheons, fighting has become a kung fu film "Classic Medium classic. "
Bruce Lee's 10 Mentorship: 9, Jun 9 - Taekwondo
Li Jun 9 (JHOON-GOO-RHEE), has twice appeared in the "Black Belt Hall of Heroes" and to teach members of the U.S. Congress have been taekwondo and self-defense known as the Wu Tan USA Taekwondo grading boundary leaders who have " Father of American Tae Kwon Do, "the name.
Bruce Lee and Jun-nine of the acquaintance in 1964 are too Ai. Parker Karate Championship held in Long Beach, of course they are based on the identity of the guest performers to attend, when 32-year-old Li Jun 9, greater than the nearly 10-year-old Bruce Lee. However, Lee's performances have deeply shocked the Li Jun 9, from the time they became good friends and often visited each other, communicate with each other. Jun-9 not only study the Bruce Lee game of three-dimensional attack, and at the same time, their legs for many years practicing law experience has taught Bruce Lee, and thus further improve and enrich the Bruce Lee then Budokan systems, especially at the high side kick , thus benefit from Bruce Lee. As for Bruce Lee in a number of regular public performances by the "broken foot plank" of technology, it is derived from the Li Jun 9; also vacated Kick flying skills, but also depends on the kind of 9 Li. Because as a world-class Master of Taekwondo, from Jun-nine on the leg method, the most authoritative.
Bruce Lee and Jun-nine of the acquaintance in 1964 are too Ai. Parker Karate Championship held in Long Beach, of course they are based on the identity of the guest performers to attend, when 32-year-old Li Jun 9, greater than the nearly 10-year-old Bruce Lee. However, Lee's performances have deeply shocked the Li Jun 9, from the time they became good friends and often visited each other, communicate with each other. Jun-9 not only study the Bruce Lee game of three-dimensional attack, and at the same time, their legs for many years practicing law experience has taught Bruce Lee, and thus further improve and enrich the Bruce Lee then Budokan systems, especially at the high side kick , thus benefit from Bruce Lee. As for Bruce Lee in a number of regular public performances by the "broken foot plank" of technology, it is derived from the Li Jun 9; also vacated Kick flying skills, but also depends on the kind of 9 Li. Because as a world-class Master of Taekwondo, from Jun-nine on the leg method, the most authoritative.
Bruce Lee's division of Friends of 10: eight,GENE-LEBLL- Jujitsu
(GENE-LEBLL) Wu Tan at the United States known as "the father of jujitsu" as "Black Belt Hall of Heroes" in the "train-Award" winner on many occasions, not only with him Bruce Lee studied jujitsu, Even Richard Crowe Inverness (CHUCK-NORRIS) and the "jet" Binnie (BENNY) has been with him learn jujitsu.
Bruce Lee first came to the United States at the time of development, it has long been famous GENE-LEBLLglobal, not only won him many times with various jujitsu fighting game of the Championship, but also a result of motorcycle stunt man and as the " Train hands ", of course, Bruce Lee with his study of the main contents of the" lock system technology. " However, from a young age riding a motorcycle on the likes of Bruce Lee unavoidable natural to him such advice can be used as a movie stunt performances technology. Most importantly, Labelle, Lee had capsular dump phase delegated his jujitsu techniques, thereby further improving the fighting skills of Bruce Lee's system, because we all know, Jeet Kune Do is a kicking, punching, throwing, lock and unlimited three-dimensional Quan Road, and one of the "fall" and "lock" technology apart from Chinese martial arts from Bruce Lee had learned some useful skills, a considerable portion of the essence of action directly from the willing Nepal. Rabel. So that in today's early training from some of Jeet Kune Do come back to study jujitsu gresy or some other integrated technology at the time of fighting, not knowing in the morning more than 30 years ago, Bruce Lee's master has been at GENE-LEBLL the following guidance to master skills such arms, only some of today's authentic Jeet Kune Do Jeet Kune Do researchers know little about without understanding it.
In 1997, the United States at Martial Arts World for GENE-LEBLL birthday, he suddenly said with such a shocking words: "In my 62 years of martial arts and jujitsu career, Bruce Lee is truly invincible fighters, especially Yes he can be seen with two people lock system was unable to move arms, if the proportion of body, its strength and power do not for my life.
Bruce Lee first came to the United States at the time of development, it has long been famous GENE-LEBLLglobal, not only won him many times with various jujitsu fighting game of the Championship, but also a result of motorcycle stunt man and as the " Train hands ", of course, Bruce Lee with his study of the main contents of the" lock system technology. " However, from a young age riding a motorcycle on the likes of Bruce Lee unavoidable natural to him such advice can be used as a movie stunt performances technology. Most importantly, Labelle, Lee had capsular dump phase delegated his jujitsu techniques, thereby further improving the fighting skills of Bruce Lee's system, because we all know, Jeet Kune Do is a kicking, punching, throwing, lock and unlimited three-dimensional Quan Road, and one of the "fall" and "lock" technology apart from Chinese martial arts from Bruce Lee had learned some useful skills, a considerable portion of the essence of action directly from the willing Nepal. Rabel. So that in today's early training from some of Jeet Kune Do come back to study jujitsu gresy or some other integrated technology at the time of fighting, not knowing in the morning more than 30 years ago, Bruce Lee's master has been at GENE-LEBLL the following guidance to master skills such arms, only some of today's authentic Jeet Kune Do Jeet Kune Do researchers know little about without understanding it.
In 1997, the United States at Martial Arts World for GENE-LEBLL birthday, he suddenly said with such a shocking words: "In my 62 years of martial arts and jujitsu career, Bruce Lee is truly invincible fighters, especially Yes he can be seen with two people lock system was unable to move arms, if the proportion of body, its strength and power do not for my life.
Bruce Lee's 10 divisions Friends: seven, Yan Jing-hai - strength training
Yan Jing-hai (JAMES-YIMM-LEE, that is, James Yan. Lee) Although Bruce Lee's students, but he was Bruce Lee in martial arts success, but also made a great contribution because strict mirror into the sea at Lee subglottic long before a traditional martial arts aspects of the master and excel in a variety of martial arts and Good at "Iron Palm" martial arts, but his biggest contribution to Bruce Lee is put their own set of strength training methods to teach Bruce Lee, because he himself would have been a weightlifter, muscle training has considerable experience. Of course, Bruce Lee to teach Yan Jing-hai also highly valued by the technology, and training non-stopin accordance with the law, so that in itself has strong muscles become more developed, to fight is also stronger, more ferocious power also. Say so, if there is no strict mirror assist the sea, it is impossible to have Bruce Lee, that strong, the mighty physical and tough as iron body. Bruce Lee, that the muscles are strong and amazing power, in itself represents a Shenwei and momentum. In this regard, Lee has come to a conclusion: "If your body strong enough, you will not be keen to fight."
Yan Jing-hai is not only a fitness expert with the traditional martial aspects of the master, is also a sophisticated machinery manufacturing division, because he had his superb welding and mechanical manufacturing technology for the Bruce Lee created a lot of practical training equipment, so that Bruce Lee training with easier, more effective. At the same time, Lee has also helped him set up in Auckland a new "Martial Arts Hall Fan Zhen (JUN-FAN-GUNG-FU-INSTITUTE), of course, after his presentation, Bruce will also be aware of the Eide. Parker and Kenny . Rabel United States and other heavyweights Wu altar.
Yan Jing-hai is not only a fitness expert with the traditional martial aspects of the master, is also a sophisticated machinery manufacturing division, because he had his superb welding and mechanical manufacturing technology for the Bruce Lee created a lot of practical training equipment, so that Bruce Lee training with easier, more effective. At the same time, Lee has also helped him set up in Auckland a new "Martial Arts Hall Fan Zhen (JUN-FAN-GUNG-FU-INSTITUTE), of course, after his presentation, Bruce will also be aware of the Eide. Parker and Kenny . Rabel United States and other heavyweights Wu altar.
Bruce Lee's 10 divisions Friends: 6, Ed Parker - "CanBo" flow karate
Bruce Lee's 10 divisions Friends: 6, Ed Parker - "CanBo" flow karate
Ed Parker (ED-PARKER), the United States at the altar Wu called the "father of American karate," sports are karate at the founders of the United States, but also "CanBo" flow karate (KENPO-KARATE) founder. Bruce Lee as a friend and he knew after the introduction, it quickly with the well-known karate educator to become friends, and thus began to share the study, Bruce Lee to explain to him mainly of Wing Chun Chinese Martial Arts, Ed Parker is will be fighting their own Unitech to introduce Bruce Lee, so Lee has been a solid karate fighting this door with the art of letter highly. Especially Ed Parker's martial arts are derived from the traditional karate new fighting skills, so its reform and development of the considerable impact of Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee, which also recognize that: "Boxing should be at the basis of our predecessors on innovation, "because there will be no development without innovation.
By Ed Parker, Bruce Lee's on, not only learned the advantages of karate, and more specifically aware of its limitations. Of course, to Ed. Parker's identity, status, skills to teach karate, can no one can match, Lee was also from the AI. Master Parker learned Karate indirectly Department.
Ed Parker (ED-PARKER), the United States at the altar Wu called the "father of American karate," sports are karate at the founders of the United States, but also "CanBo" flow karate (KENPO-KARATE) founder. Bruce Lee as a friend and he knew after the introduction, it quickly with the well-known karate educator to become friends, and thus began to share the study, Bruce Lee to explain to him mainly of Wing Chun Chinese Martial Arts, Ed Parker is will be fighting their own Unitech to introduce Bruce Lee, so Lee has been a solid karate fighting this door with the art of letter highly. Especially Ed Parker's martial arts are derived from the traditional karate new fighting skills, so its reform and development of the considerable impact of Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee, which also recognize that: "Boxing should be at the basis of our predecessors on innovation, "because there will be no development without innovation.
By Ed Parker, Bruce Lee's on, not only learned the advantages of karate, and more specifically aware of its limitations. Of course, to Ed. Parker's identity, status, skills to teach karate, can no one can match, Lee was also from the AI. Master Parker learned Karate indirectly Department.
Bruce Lee's 10 Mentorship: Friday,ZaoHanHealth - Festival Fist
ZaoHan Health (SHAO-HAN-SHENG) master Bruce Lee Wu altar are the first career official of the Northern School kung fu teacher, Master Shao because boxing is also a section (JIT-KUNE) famous for a variety of both the Northern School Boxing have very high attainments, in Hong Kong long before RohanFist proficient,MantisFist, the latter will add Jingwu Sports and learned Tan legs (TAM-TUEI, also known as Tan Jingwu legs belong to Jingwu Sports Council the basis of martial arts), such as martial arts and boxing because of outstanding arts teachers will stay after immigration to Hong Kong Kowloon City, teaching people to fight side edge to engage in martial arts film and performing arts industry. Bruce Lee was in shortly before departure to the United States went to Shao Gakugei master, because he felt that after the United States there is no director, and only martial arts can be barely acceptable, so in order to further strengthen their expertise in this technology , he went through his father's introduction Shao Gakugei master, and at this time, although he has not yet intend to use force to make a living after the United States, but the martial arts in order to really become a pillar of his spirit.
Although Bruce Lee Shao master of "Dance" for "armed", but also a master at input subglottic Shao Shao began teaching after studying dance master, and Shao HaiQuanLi master and for the Hong Kong Academy for Performing sector with celebrities, at the same time their friendship is also quite for deep, so as Brother generation, Lee called him "tert." Of course, he also learned some fellow with the door can not be learned boxing section of the key technologies, because of his master Shao professors are in fact belong to "private family" type of teaching. Moreover, when Shao master of martial arts taught him that we in the United States Karate Championship at Long Beach to see his as wind speed of electricity such as brilliant performances, especially his series of Flying Kick move left was extremely impressed, and as the "deadly ballet."
Shao master are one of the few has been to maintain good relations with the dragons of one veteran Hong Kong art, so even when the dragons to the development of the United States, despite frequent contact with Shao master communications, for the exchange of experiences on the martial arts and had planned to Let master Shao-wu altar to the development of the United States. Whenever the dragons back to Hong KongRelatives, the go most places apart from the question leaves boxing hall, the master is Shao's home, to accept a separate guidance Master Shao. Shao master because of human harmony and not put on airs, so a lot of restaurants in the Little Dragons have left with him a cup of tea with the theory of SM Wu, in addition, at the eve of dragons back to Hong Kong film, Shao master has to strive to lead him around for him opportunities for the mirror. Importantly, he at Wu Road on the teaching of dragons, breaking the original kung fu dragons framework dragons become more practical and technical skills. Say this, people will know why half of the sky of dragons Hongtoushan gas artistes would have been extremely deferential Shao master.
Although Bruce Lee Shao master of "Dance" for "armed", but also a master at input subglottic Shao Shao began teaching after studying dance master, and Shao HaiQuanLi master and for the Hong Kong Academy for Performing sector with celebrities, at the same time their friendship is also quite for deep, so as Brother generation, Lee called him "tert." Of course, he also learned some fellow with the door can not be learned boxing section of the key technologies, because of his master Shao professors are in fact belong to "private family" type of teaching. Moreover, when Shao master of martial arts taught him that we in the United States Karate Championship at Long Beach to see his as wind speed of electricity such as brilliant performances, especially his series of Flying Kick move left was extremely impressed, and as the "deadly ballet."
Shao master are one of the few has been to maintain good relations with the dragons of one veteran Hong Kong art, so even when the dragons to the development of the United States, despite frequent contact with Shao master communications, for the exchange of experiences on the martial arts and had planned to Let master Shao-wu altar to the development of the United States. Whenever the dragons back to Hong KongRelatives, the go most places apart from the question leaves boxing hall, the master is Shao's home, to accept a separate guidance Master Shao. Shao master because of human harmony and not put on airs, so a lot of restaurants in the Little Dragons have left with him a cup of tea with the theory of SM Wu, in addition, at the eve of dragons back to Hong Kong film, Shao master has to strive to lead him around for him opportunities for the mirror. Importantly, he at Wu Road on the teaching of dragons, breaking the original kung fu dragons framework dragons become more practical and technical skills. Say this, people will know why half of the sky of dragons Hongtoushan gas artistes would have been extremely deferential Shao master.
Bruce Lee's 10 divisions Friends: four, Chen master -Li FoCaiFist
Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do at the 26 best elements, one of which is Li FoCai boxing, boxing is a Guangdong Li FoCai of boxing, even though only one hundred years of history, but in the province, Hong Kong and Macao and Southeast Asia prevalence is quite extensive, and for The world-famous the Bruce Lee martial arts rely on speaking, there is no reason not to study this great martial of cases, the same with the Wing Chun has a real value, in Hong Kong is one of the largest door faction advocating Boxing combat.
Talking about Bruce Lee Fist of Li FoCai learning, also referred to a story. Bruce Lee was once a friend went to the appointments, but he found that the roadside lawn of an elderly person has three teaching young people to practice martial arts, this time not only idle dragons, and I also no idle, they said that their action is too large, too fancy, in a real fight may not be useful, at the hands of the previous speakers had not lost track of Bruce Lee, of course, those who look down on other martial arts. However, the dragons are unexpected, the three young people did not say anything, and The old man let him down over the last try, this is Bruce Lee's mind together, but against one of Bruce Lee was shocked, because Bruce Lee has yet to react back was hit, but he also believes that at this time are not yet ready to own was suddenly hit. So the two sides agreed future battles, the outcome of a loser this time, Bruce Lee was even worse, because he was almost knocked down the elderly man, which he has had to convinced. In fact, although Bruce Lee's kung fu is better than the three young people, elderly people are far from the opponent, because before him to settle in Hong Kong is also a well-Mainland Position the Wu Tan teacher, and now to come to Hong Kong are old age, and therefore does not intend to open and apprentices, but not stand up to repeated plea dragons had promised to close his followers, but his first Bruce Lee agreed to a condition that may not be foreign to say his name. And the elderly can only promised land themselves, are pleased to see dragons have naturally agreed to mentor requirements.
Talking about Bruce Lee Fist of Li FoCai learning, also referred to a story. Bruce Lee was once a friend went to the appointments, but he found that the roadside lawn of an elderly person has three teaching young people to practice martial arts, this time not only idle dragons, and I also no idle, they said that their action is too large, too fancy, in a real fight may not be useful, at the hands of the previous speakers had not lost track of Bruce Lee, of course, those who look down on other martial arts. However, the dragons are unexpected, the three young people did not say anything, and The old man let him down over the last try, this is Bruce Lee's mind together, but against one of Bruce Lee was shocked, because Bruce Lee has yet to react back was hit, but he also believes that at this time are not yet ready to own was suddenly hit. So the two sides agreed future battles, the outcome of a loser this time, Bruce Lee was even worse, because he was almost knocked down the elderly man, which he has had to convinced. In fact, although Bruce Lee's kung fu is better than the three young people, elderly people are far from the opponent, because before him to settle in Hong Kong is also a well-Mainland Position the Wu Tan teacher, and now to come to Hong Kong are old age, and therefore does not intend to open and apprentices, but not stand up to repeated plea dragons had promised to close his followers, but his first Bruce Lee agreed to a condition that may not be foreign to say his name. And the elderly can only promised land themselves, are pleased to see dragons have naturally agreed to mentor requirements.
Bruce Lee's 10 Division Friends: Three leaves question - Wing Chun
Bruce Lee's 10 Division Three Friends, leaves question - Wing Chun
Mr. Ye Wenlao people are Guangdong Foshan, 40 In the late war to move to Hong Kong, and the creation of Wing Chun taught boxing Museum, are in modern Germany, Hong Kong Wu Yi Ju Jing Tan and very respected martial generation teacher, are Hong Kong martial arts community leaders, it is Wing Chun to the world's first hero, because of his apprentices in 1949 before the opening ceremony, Wing Chun is essentially a family-based teaching methods, Ladies Wing Chun master only boxing Arts Chuan Brother even in their own tribe, as such a large-scale Church techniques, at 200 years of Wing Chun is the first time in history.
Bruce Lee is the street fight and defeat by the Friends Zhang ZuoQing(WILLIAM-CHEUNG) the impact of the decision into the subglottic Yong Chun. Since Bruce Lee suddenly felt Zhang ZuoQing the art of attack and defense a lot of sharp, because he began the study because of Wing Chun, so Zhang ZuoQing at the introduction of formal worship him also into the question master of subglottic leaf, and began to study Wing Chun system boxing. Of course, leaves open the question do not object to Bruce Lee continue to practice tai chi, raised no objection to his disciples and other boxing vs. faction, on the contrary, he also attaches particular importance to combat training, because he knew that a boxing camp in order to survive is to rely on their own strength, martial arts, only in the "speaking hands" or "actual combat" in order to constantly improve themselves with the powerful. All this is far-reaching impacts on the Bruce Lee.
Although at a lot of time by senior HuangChun beam (WONG-SHUN-LEUNG) on behalf of the division Church techniques, but also a HuangChun Leung Wing Chun daring general, so-called Hong Kong "hands-speaking King", his personality with the dragons Fate, together with the leaf Asked dragons are very intelligent and loved to his feet to a lot of Wing Chun, all of which are so rapidly growing dragons for a Wing Chun master. Even if the original Bruce Lee was a fist generation study to become a camp master, but his Wing Chun Jeet Kune Do is still trapped in the shadow of some of the core of Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun techniques are still similar, but Bruce Lee in Wing Chun technically a sublimation and reform it. So that the master Bruce Lee was the high-K reactive, and Wing Chun to his impact can not be, as the saying goes: "Jeet Kune Do from Wing Chun, Bruce Lee HuangChun benefited from the beam," beam HuangChun etc., as Bruce Lee's brother, Bruce Lee's most Wing Chun techniques are taught by him.
Ye ask and HuangChun Leung on Bruce Lee's profound teaching 6-year consultation to enable him by a street where the transition to a true martial arts master, which is Bruce Lee was later to become an inevitable U.S. premise. Bruce Lee was a world-class martial arts master, but he is a first name of Guan-Hong Kong Wing Chun daring general. Bruce Lee was in the world arms altar brilliant success, as well as the worldwide dissemination of Wing Chun has made although it is indirect but significant contribution to the actual.
Mr. Ye Wenlao people are Guangdong Foshan, 40 In the late war to move to Hong Kong, and the creation of Wing Chun taught boxing Museum, are in modern Germany, Hong Kong Wu Yi Ju Jing Tan and very respected martial generation teacher, are Hong Kong martial arts community leaders, it is Wing Chun to the world's first hero, because of his apprentices in 1949 before the opening ceremony, Wing Chun is essentially a family-based teaching methods, Ladies Wing Chun master only boxing Arts Chuan Brother even in their own tribe, as such a large-scale Church techniques, at 200 years of Wing Chun is the first time in history.
Bruce Lee is the street fight and defeat by the Friends Zhang ZuoQing(WILLIAM-CHEUNG) the impact of the decision into the subglottic Yong Chun. Since Bruce Lee suddenly felt Zhang ZuoQing the art of attack and defense a lot of sharp, because he began the study because of Wing Chun, so Zhang ZuoQing at the introduction of formal worship him also into the question master of subglottic leaf, and began to study Wing Chun system boxing. Of course, leaves open the question do not object to Bruce Lee continue to practice tai chi, raised no objection to his disciples and other boxing vs. faction, on the contrary, he also attaches particular importance to combat training, because he knew that a boxing camp in order to survive is to rely on their own strength, martial arts, only in the "speaking hands" or "actual combat" in order to constantly improve themselves with the powerful. All this is far-reaching impacts on the Bruce Lee.
Although at a lot of time by senior HuangChun beam (WONG-SHUN-LEUNG) on behalf of the division Church techniques, but also a HuangChun Leung Wing Chun daring general, so-called Hong Kong "hands-speaking King", his personality with the dragons Fate, together with the leaf Asked dragons are very intelligent and loved to his feet to a lot of Wing Chun, all of which are so rapidly growing dragons for a Wing Chun master. Even if the original Bruce Lee was a fist generation study to become a camp master, but his Wing Chun Jeet Kune Do is still trapped in the shadow of some of the core of Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun techniques are still similar, but Bruce Lee in Wing Chun technically a sublimation and reform it. So that the master Bruce Lee was the high-K reactive, and Wing Chun to his impact can not be, as the saying goes: "Jeet Kune Do from Wing Chun, Bruce Lee HuangChun benefited from the beam," beam HuangChun etc., as Bruce Lee's brother, Bruce Lee's most Wing Chun techniques are taught by him.
Ye ask and HuangChun Leung on Bruce Lee's profound teaching 6-year consultation to enable him by a street where the transition to a true martial arts master, which is Bruce Lee was later to become an inevitable U.S. premise. Bruce Lee was a world-class martial arts master, but he is a first name of Guan-Hong Kong Wing Chun daring general. Bruce Lee was in the world arms altar brilliant success, as well as the worldwide dissemination of Wing Chun has made although it is indirect but significant contribution to the actual.
Bruce Lee's 10 divisions Friends:Second, Leung Nai-pang - in home boxing
Bruce Lee was because of the need for fighting in the streets, tried to abandon the practice of tai chi, tai chi because it is a slow martial arts. But was HaiQuanLi opposition because HaiQuanLi know that Bruce Lee's temper is too strong, and through the practice of Taijiquan, there may be a certain degree of restraint, but Bruce Lee has gradually abandoned its practice of Taijiquan, he had to think of ways to set up an alternative way to make up for .
At this point HaiQuanLi thought of another martial arts predecessors Leung Nai-pang (LIANG-ZI-PENG), Mr Leung Tsz-Leung is a professional masters in martial have very high attainments, especially proficient in martial arts at home. He not only proficient in Tai Chi Chuan and Xing Yi Quan, but also to follow another master Chen Zhengxue Trachypenaeus had whips, and the study had eight law Liuhe boxing. He once guided HaiQuanLi practicing Taijiquan, HaiQuanLi therefore to think of Mr. Liang learned boxing and superb art must be able Yield to Lee. But things did not imagine HaiQuanLi so smoothly, Mr. Liang because of Bruce Lee's fighting in the streets has long been notorious heard at that time HKCMAA conservative circles, he does not want this不良少年damage the reputation of their own, but are our HaiQuanLi art celebrity, not shirk it at the next, they agreed to let Bruce Lee only to listen to his theory classes, are in fact only make him a nominal admission disciples. But Mr. Liang practicing martial deep foundation and rationale deeply touched Fist Bruce Lee, and thus to understand within the home, such as tai chi kung fu art of attack and defense of real meaning, which all have HaiQuanLi are not mentioned, and in fact taught HaiQuanLi Bruce Lee, the purpose of practicing Taijiquan is not let him go fight, but self-cultivation, cultivation, Fitness.
During this time, Bruce Lee, from the beam master Department learned much about Chinese martial arts in the home kempo kempo and Out of principle, but Lee was not yet put pen to record the rationale for these fist down, but it will be engraved in their own minds, for later in the martial on the tremendous success and laid a solid foundation. Beam master Bruce Lee to teach boxing at the rationale and correct their tai chi movements, meanwhile, will be Bruce Lee art predecessors from other Department of who does not learn to system norms Boxing summarized,Correctioned, so that the resulting change of Bruce Lee "waste" to treasure. Later, Bruce Lee taught martial in the United States also usually referred to master Leung Nai-pang.
At this point HaiQuanLi thought of another martial arts predecessors Leung Nai-pang (LIANG-ZI-PENG), Mr Leung Tsz-Leung is a professional masters in martial have very high attainments, especially proficient in martial arts at home. He not only proficient in Tai Chi Chuan and Xing Yi Quan, but also to follow another master Chen Zhengxue Trachypenaeus had whips, and the study had eight law Liuhe boxing. He once guided HaiQuanLi practicing Taijiquan, HaiQuanLi therefore to think of Mr. Liang learned boxing and superb art must be able Yield to Lee. But things did not imagine HaiQuanLi so smoothly, Mr. Liang because of Bruce Lee's fighting in the streets has long been notorious heard at that time HKCMAA conservative circles, he does not want this不良少年damage the reputation of their own, but are our HaiQuanLi art celebrity, not shirk it at the next, they agreed to let Bruce Lee only to listen to his theory classes, are in fact only make him a nominal admission disciples. But Mr. Liang practicing martial deep foundation and rationale deeply touched Fist Bruce Lee, and thus to understand within the home, such as tai chi kung fu art of attack and defense of real meaning, which all have HaiQuanLi are not mentioned, and in fact taught HaiQuanLi Bruce Lee, the purpose of practicing Taijiquan is not let him go fight, but self-cultivation, cultivation, Fitness.
During this time, Bruce Lee, from the beam master Department learned much about Chinese martial arts in the home kempo kempo and Out of principle, but Lee was not yet put pen to record the rationale for these fist down, but it will be engraved in their own minds, for later in the martial on the tremendous success and laid a solid foundation. Beam master Bruce Lee to teach boxing at the rationale and correct their tai chi movements, meanwhile, will be Bruce Lee art predecessors from other Department of who does not learn to system norms Boxing summarized,Correctioned, so that the resulting change of Bruce Lee "waste" to treasure. Later, Bruce Lee taught martial in the United States also usually referred to master Leung Nai-pang.
Bruce Lee's 10 divisions Friends:First,HaiQuan Li- Taijiquan
HaiQuan Li- Taijiquan
Usually, people think of Bruce Lee's first martial Master Teacher leaves are master question, but in fact his first teachers are his father, but HaiQuan Li(LEE-HOI-CHUEN), because as Guangdong HaiQuan LiMing Yi has been studied tai chi for several decades, has deep knowledge. Bruce Lee was brought up a good move, think as long as they are able to fist fights, so from the age when they began to study tai chi with his father, and then got out of hand, are trained to twenty one years. Notes from Bruce Lee's martial can be seen in Jeet Kune Do Tai Chi accounted for a very important position, which some of the "Tai Chi", "The Promise", "yin and yang" theory even gradually develop into the core theory of Jeet Kune Do , and Tai Chi Figure Jeet Kune Do has become a symbol of Fig.
Say so, in spite of the early years of the Bruce Lee of the Tai Chi Chuan has failed to learn the "street of" what the direct effect, but for him at the brilliant success of martial laid a solid foundation. There is a proverb in the martial arts called "Tai Chi is not injury body decade, killed one person-shaped Italy," the actual effect of tai chi is not like other Chinese boxing, although less obvious, but it was the body's intrinsic ability of the exercise is not to be ignored, are From a martial arts martial to an important aspect of the summit.
Usually, people think of Bruce Lee's first martial Master Teacher leaves are master question, but in fact his first teachers are his father, but HaiQuan Li(LEE-HOI-CHUEN), because as Guangdong HaiQuan LiMing Yi has been studied tai chi for several decades, has deep knowledge. Bruce Lee was brought up a good move, think as long as they are able to fist fights, so from the age when they began to study tai chi with his father, and then got out of hand, are trained to twenty one years. Notes from Bruce Lee's martial can be seen in Jeet Kune Do Tai Chi accounted for a very important position, which some of the "Tai Chi", "The Promise", "yin and yang" theory even gradually develop into the core theory of Jeet Kune Do , and Tai Chi Figure Jeet Kune Do has become a symbol of Fig.
Say so, in spite of the early years of the Bruce Lee of the Tai Chi Chuan has failed to learn the "street of" what the direct effect, but for him at the brilliant success of martial laid a solid foundation. There is a proverb in the martial arts called "Tai Chi is not injury body decade, killed one person-shaped Italy," the actual effect of tai chi is not like other Chinese boxing, although less obvious, but it was the body's intrinsic ability of the exercise is not to be ignored, are From a martial arts martial to an important aspect of the summit.
Bruce Lee films
1940 "Golden Gate Girls"
1948 "floating clouds of wealth"
1949 "dream antiquata"
1950 "Little Cheung"
1950 "The Lone Wild Goose Peak"
1951 "at the beginning of people"
1953 "Oliver Mingdeng"
1953 "Mother's Tears"
1953, "the father of"
1953, "tens of millions of people"
1953 "dangerous buildings in Early Spring"
1955 "LOVE" (whole set)
1955 "Lone Star of blood and tears"
1955 "going out"
1955 "orphan line plays the role of ill female"
1955 "sons and daughters of Debt"
1955, "Xu epilepsy Hannaford"
1956 "Towards the first place I do not marry"
1957 "Thunderstorm"
1957 "sweet child"
1959 "Solitary birds human sea"
1966 "Green Hornet The green hornet" (TV series)
1967 "Batman Batman" (TV series) - Guest
1967 "The Invincible Iron inspector Ironside" (TV series) - Guest
1968 "undermining troop The wrecking crew" - Martial Arts guide
1968 "Bounty scandal Marlowe"
1968 "lovely woman Blondie" (TV series) - Guest
1968 "Driving to the bride Here come the brides" (TV series) - Guest
1969 "Walk in the spring A walk in the spring rain" - Martial Arts guide
1971 "Blind Season Longstreet" (TV series)
1971 movie "Shanghai Affairs"
1972 Movie "Fist"
1972 movie, "Way Of The Dragon"
1973 movie "Enter the Dragon"
1973 movie "Death Game" unfinished, and only fragments of Bruce Lee clips, other are Tanglong (Kim Tae-in) stand-performance
2000 "Warrior's Journey" included the real Bruce Lee Roy
TV series starring Bruce Lee:
Green Hornet: "Green Hornet" as early as the last century are a 30's radio plays, plays the heroine Name:Boulihute , during the day are the publishing industry millionaire, night is masked criminals fought the "Green Hornet." And "Green Hornet" assistant Kato appeared together, but also a martial arts masters. The last century 40's, Universal Pictures to film a series of "Green Hornet" as the protagonist of the movie. About this series of superhero comics are flourishing 1:00. But most impressive, or broadcast on ABC television series "Green Hornet", the play is Bruce Lee's fame in the United States for.
1948 "floating clouds of wealth"
1949 "dream antiquata"
1950 "Little Cheung"
1950 "The Lone Wild Goose Peak"
1951 "at the beginning of people"
1953 "Oliver Mingdeng"
1953 "Mother's Tears"
1953, "the father of"
1953, "tens of millions of people"
1953 "dangerous buildings in Early Spring"
1955 "LOVE" (whole set)
1955 "Lone Star of blood and tears"
1955 "going out"
1955 "orphan line plays the role of ill female"
1955 "sons and daughters of Debt"
1955, "Xu epilepsy Hannaford"
1956 "Towards the first place I do not marry"
1957 "Thunderstorm"
1957 "sweet child"
1959 "Solitary birds human sea"
1966 "Green Hornet The green hornet" (TV series)
1967 "Batman Batman" (TV series) - Guest
1967 "The Invincible Iron inspector Ironside" (TV series) - Guest
1968 "undermining troop The wrecking crew" - Martial Arts guide
1968 "Bounty scandal Marlowe"
1968 "lovely woman Blondie" (TV series) - Guest
1968 "Driving to the bride Here come the brides" (TV series) - Guest
1969 "Walk in the spring A walk in the spring rain" - Martial Arts guide
1971 "Blind Season Longstreet" (TV series)
1971 movie "Shanghai Affairs"
1972 Movie "Fist"
1972 movie, "Way Of The Dragon"
1973 movie "Enter the Dragon"
1973 movie "Death Game" unfinished, and only fragments of Bruce Lee clips, other are Tanglong (Kim Tae-in) stand-performance
2000 "Warrior's Journey" included the real Bruce Lee Roy
TV series starring Bruce Lee:
Green Hornet: "Green Hornet" as early as the last century are a 30's radio plays, plays the heroine Name:Boulihute , during the day are the publishing industry millionaire, night is masked criminals fought the "Green Hornet." And "Green Hornet" assistant Kato appeared together, but also a martial arts masters. The last century 40's, Universal Pictures to film a series of "Green Hornet" as the protagonist of the movie. About this series of superhero comics are flourishing 1:00. But most impressive, or broadcast on ABC television series "Green Hornet", the play is Bruce Lee's fame in the United States for.
Real Bruce Lee: the spirit of the Chinese world idol
In 1960, Lee [1] to enter the University of Washington at Seattle. He majored in philosophy, is also studying drama and so on.
Bruce Lee had his confidence in a memo wrote: "My clear goal is to become America's highest paid Oriental super star. Since 1970, I will win the world-wide reputation. By 1980, I will have 10 million U.S. dollars of wealth, then me and my family will live a happy, harmonious and happy life. "
In 1970, Bruce Lee is indeed a sensation throughout the West. However, the July 20, 1973's with the sudden death so that he could not achieve their promise to the family.
In 1973, at the cause of Bruce Lee died suddenly during peak DingPei Taiwan actress's home, led to numerous speculations.
"Bruce Lee lived only 32 years, but he lived fine, clank characters is a real man."
Bruce Lee's name widely known in Europe. France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, there are Web sites devoted to Bruce Lee, starring Bruce Lee movies are still a lot of DVD distribution company's "home town treasure." In the market can see a lot of electronic games, T-shirts, such as Bruce Lee image as a selling point products.
"Now so many movie stars, why should that have been dead 36 years of Bruce Lee Memory do so?" When a Japanese reporter asked, he answered without hesitation: "In your opinion, Bruce Lee, at 36 years ago was buried, and in our view, are immortal dragon. Him Forever in our hearts there is our idol, our hero! at Lakeview Cemetery in Seattle, Bruce Lee, the father and son characters tombstone file
Bruce Lee, generation of martial arts master, kung fu movie star, the world's martial arts film movie performers, the founder of Jeet Kune Do.
He is a Chinese martial arts will be spread to people all over the world first, the first Chinese to break into Hollywood, his revolutionary impetus of the World
Martial arts and kung fu cinema sector development.
Kung Fu the word he would write the English Dictionary. Bruce Lee is the pride of China, the world's idol, the real kung fu Yangjae.
Bruce Lee had his confidence in a memo wrote: "My clear goal is to become America's highest paid Oriental super star. Since 1970, I will win the world-wide reputation. By 1980, I will have 10 million U.S. dollars of wealth, then me and my family will live a happy, harmonious and happy life. "
In 1970, Bruce Lee is indeed a sensation throughout the West. However, the July 20, 1973's with the sudden death so that he could not achieve their promise to the family.
In 1973, at the cause of Bruce Lee died suddenly during peak DingPei Taiwan actress's home, led to numerous speculations.
"Bruce Lee lived only 32 years, but he lived fine, clank characters is a real man."
Bruce Lee's name widely known in Europe. France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, there are Web sites devoted to Bruce Lee, starring Bruce Lee movies are still a lot of DVD distribution company's "home town treasure." In the market can see a lot of electronic games, T-shirts, such as Bruce Lee image as a selling point products.
"Now so many movie stars, why should that have been dead 36 years of Bruce Lee Memory do so?" When a Japanese reporter asked, he answered without hesitation: "In your opinion, Bruce Lee, at 36 years ago was buried, and in our view, are immortal dragon. Him Forever in our hearts there is our idol, our hero! at Lakeview Cemetery in Seattle, Bruce Lee, the father and son characters tombstone file
Bruce Lee, generation of martial arts master, kung fu movie star, the world's martial arts film movie performers, the founder of Jeet Kune Do.
He is a Chinese martial arts will be spread to people all over the world first, the first Chinese to break into Hollywood, his revolutionary impetus of the World
Martial arts and kung fu cinema sector development.
Kung Fu the word he would write the English Dictionary. Bruce Lee is the pride of China, the world's idol, the real kung fu Yangjae.
Of "the first animal case" indignation Jackie Chan movie to film Yuanmingyuan subjects (Figure)
Yesterday, to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of song, "Country" release ceremony held in Beijing, in addition to concerts since the grant of non-professional, the Jackie Chan also said that shortly before the "beast Yuanmingyuan first case" speculation that the indignation and express their own Yuanmingyuan to shoot a movie theme.
Chan exposing recorded this song with a lot of time, "recorded a lot of times, each time not afraid of their own singing, including their own standards does not appear to speak. Jackie Chan was therefore want to put songs give Sun Machilus sing: "I have asked before, why will have to get me to sing, it is better to give Sun Nan sing, but think about the reason why they look for me to sing, it may be because people compare me to this cordial bar. "
As for the recent "Yuanmingyuan first beast," the auction case, he said that he is very angry, "I intend to shoot a drama about the Yuanmingyuan, I would like to make movies which belong to our country's national treasures back. For the first thing animal auction , which in my opinion on the country's national treasures should be returned to any country, the Yuanmingyuan beast first if someone bought a not worth much, because they have bought is stolen goods. "
Chan exposing recorded this song with a lot of time, "recorded a lot of times, each time not afraid of their own singing, including their own standards does not appear to speak. Jackie Chan was therefore want to put songs give Sun Machilus sing: "I have asked before, why will have to get me to sing, it is better to give Sun Nan sing, but think about the reason why they look for me to sing, it may be because people compare me to this cordial bar. "
As for the recent "Yuanmingyuan first beast," the auction case, he said that he is very angry, "I intend to shoot a drama about the Yuanmingyuan, I would like to make movies which belong to our country's national treasures back. For the first thing animal auction , which in my opinion on the country's national treasures should be returned to any country, the Yuanmingyuan beast first if someone bought a not worth much, because they have bought is stolen goods. "
3G license officially issued by the three sub-3 operators license
January 7 afternoon news, information industry and the Department of 2:30 pm today at the internal small-scale licenses held a ceremony to confirm the domestic issuance of 3G licenses to three operators, as China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom issued three third-generation mobile communications (3G) licenses. Thus, in 2009 became the first year of 3G in China, China's formal entry into the third generation mobile communication time.
Prior to this, Tencent technology learned from reliable sources, China's third generation mobile communication (3G) license will be issued today, China Mobile TD-SCDMA license to obtain, China CDMA2000 license access to electricity, while China Unicom WCDMA license is obtained.
December 31, 2008 morning, the State Council executive meeting agreed to start the study of the third generation mobile communication (3G) licenses work, clear information of the Ministry of industry and do a good job in accordance with the procedures related to job. In the afternoon, the Ministry of information industry and to convene a special meeting immediately, seriously study and implement the spirit of a State Council executive meeting.
Ministry of Industry and Information said that in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the State Council, in accordance with legal procedures and enterprise applications, and secure to do a good job TD-SCDMA and WCDMA, CDMA2000 three licenses work, driving domestic demand, promoting economic growth, optimizing the telecommunications market competitive structure.
Four international 3G standard introduction:
W-CDMA, also known as WCDMA, called Wideband CDMA, also known as CDMA Direct Spread, intended for broadband Code-Division Multiple Access, which is based on the GSM network developed 3G technical specifications are proposed by the European broadband CDMA technology that it made with Japan's broadband CDMA technology is basically the same as is currently being further integration.
CDMA2000, from narrow-band CDMA (CDMA IS95) technology developed from the broadband CDMA technology, also known as CDMA Multi-Carrier, from North American companies led by Qualcomm proposed, Motorola, Lucent and subsequently joined by South Korea's Samsung are involved, Korea now become the dominant standard.
TD-SCDMA, called Time Division - Synchronous CDMA (Time Division Synchronous CDMA), the standard is from mainland China alone developed 3G standard.
WiMAX, the full name is the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), also known as the 802.16 wireless MAN, is another way for businesses and home users to provide "last mile" broadband wireless connectivity solutions.
Prior to this, Tencent technology learned from reliable sources, China's third generation mobile communication (3G) license will be issued today, China Mobile TD-SCDMA license to obtain, China CDMA2000 license access to electricity, while China Unicom WCDMA license is obtained.
December 31, 2008 morning, the State Council executive meeting agreed to start the study of the third generation mobile communication (3G) licenses work, clear information of the Ministry of industry and do a good job in accordance with the procedures related to job. In the afternoon, the Ministry of information industry and to convene a special meeting immediately, seriously study and implement the spirit of a State Council executive meeting.
Ministry of Industry and Information said that in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the State Council, in accordance with legal procedures and enterprise applications, and secure to do a good job TD-SCDMA and WCDMA, CDMA2000 three licenses work, driving domestic demand, promoting economic growth, optimizing the telecommunications market competitive structure.
Four international 3G standard introduction:
W-CDMA, also known as WCDMA, called Wideband CDMA, also known as CDMA Direct Spread, intended for broadband Code-Division Multiple Access, which is based on the GSM network developed 3G technical specifications are proposed by the European broadband CDMA technology that it made with Japan's broadband CDMA technology is basically the same as is currently being further integration.
CDMA2000, from narrow-band CDMA (CDMA IS95) technology developed from the broadband CDMA technology, also known as CDMA Multi-Carrier, from North American companies led by Qualcomm proposed, Motorola, Lucent and subsequently joined by South Korea's Samsung are involved, Korea now become the dominant standard.
TD-SCDMA, called Time Division - Synchronous CDMA (Time Division Synchronous CDMA), the standard is from mainland China alone developed 3G standard.
WiMAX, the full name is the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), also known as the 802.16 wireless MAN, is another way for businesses and home users to provide "last mile" broadband wireless connectivity solutions.
China's entry into the 3G era
3G license officially issued by the three sub-operators of three licenses, China's entry into the 3G era
1.China Mobile: to do a good job in the construction of TD-SCDMA operators

2.China Telecom: 3 months to do with 3G network and the operational reserve

3.Unicom, Li Gang: 09 years for the introduction of 3G Services
Chinese 3G Status:
Inputs 3G: China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom to get 3G license for the future expansion of investment, enhancing technological innovation and make a relatively well prepared for it. After the issuance of 3G licenses are expected in 2009 in this regard should be invested in at least two hundred billion.
Operator actions:
China Mobile is actively planning the family and the business users market, a use of TD-SCDMA technology, wireless video phone will soon launch.
China Unicom in January 2009 will be introduced to the integration of fixed and mobile products, is now conducting background debug.
Paragraph 189 of China Telecom at the national high-profile launched the first mobile brand "CDMA Tianyi," as well as new business bundled packages.
With the integration of the forward, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom giant three full-time business operations have been opened, all carriers began to permeate the field of competitors.
1.China Mobile: to do a good job in the construction of TD-SCDMA operators

2.China Telecom: 3 months to do with 3G network and the operational reserve

3.Unicom, Li Gang: 09 years for the introduction of 3G Services
Chinese 3G Status:
Inputs 3G: China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom to get 3G license for the future expansion of investment, enhancing technological innovation and make a relatively well prepared for it. After the issuance of 3G licenses are expected in 2009 in this regard should be invested in at least two hundred billion.
Operator actions:
China Mobile is actively planning the family and the business users market, a use of TD-SCDMA technology, wireless video phone will soon launch.
China Unicom in January 2009 will be introduced to the integration of fixed and mobile products, is now conducting background debug.
Paragraph 189 of China Telecom at the national high-profile launched the first mobile brand "CDMA Tianyi," as well as new business bundled packages.
With the integration of the forward, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom giant three full-time business operations have been opened, all carriers began to permeate the field of competitors.
Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas【photo】

京剧脸谱Beijing opera mask
I.京剧脸谱(Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas)
Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas, is a special feature of a national cosmetic. As each historical figure or a certain type of person has an approximate spectral type, like sing, play music to the music, so called “types of facial makeup in operas”. On the types of facial makeup in operas sources, the general view is from mask.
Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas are based on certain personality, temperament or some special types of figures for the use of certain colors. Red has expressed his Warriors of strong types of facial makeup in operas such as Guan Yu, concubines Victoria, regular book; Black said the types of facial makeup in operas ming criticized people, integrity, bravery and even reckless, such as Zheng and Zhang Fei, Li; Yellow types of facial makeup in operas that vicious brutality, such as Yu Chengdu, and Dian Wei. Blue or green types of facial makeup in operas that some of the figures represented irritable, such as Dou Ambassador, Ma Wu; General treacherous court official said the types of facial makeup in operas white, bad guys, such as Cao Cao, Zhao higher.
Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas of color painting methods, basically divided into three categories : rub face, face towel, different faces. Types of facial makeup in operas initial role is exaggerated her role with striking places and face the veins, using exaggerated by the performance of dramatis personae of personality, psychological and physiological characteristics, and using this to the entire drama circumstances, but Later types of facial makeup in operas by Kan to complex, from rough to the small, Youbiaojili, from shallow to deep, itself becoming a nation of characteristics, to the facial expression means for the pictorial arts.

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